
Das Geländesystem bietet eine Reihe an Artikeln zur einfachen Nachbildung von Geländekonturen wie Berge, Täler, Hügellandschaften und anderen realistischen Landschaften. Verwenden Sie spezielle Farbstoffe, um Erde und Gussabdrücke einzufärben. Installieren Sie handbemalte, einsatzfertige Felsen oder gießen und/oder schnitzen Sie eigene Felsformationen. Fügen Sie Wasserläufe, künstlich angelegte Entwässerungsgebiete oder Strukturen wie Stützmauern und Tunneleinfahrten hinzu. Verlegen Sie schalldämmende Gleisbettung und schottern Sie die Gleise ein. Bauen und markieren Sie Straßen und Parkplätze. Fügen Sie Bahnübergänge hinzu und modellieren Sie Bürgersteige und Schotterstraßen.

Product Listing

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Produkte pro Seite
Latex Rubber 16 fl. oz.WC1204Latex Rubber 16 fl. oz.Misc
28,95 €
Flex Paste� 16 fl. oz.WC1205Flex Paste� 16 fl. oz.Misc
34,95 €
The Complete Guide to Model SceneryWC1208The Complete Guide to Model SceneryMisc
27,95 €
Earth Colours KitWC1215Earth Colours KitMisc
31,95 €
White Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.WC1216White Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.Misc
11,95 €
Concrete Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.WC1217Concrete Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.Misc
11,95 €
Stone Grey Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.WC1218Stone Grey Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.Misc
11,95 €
Slate Grey Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.WC1219Slate Grey Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.Misc
11,95 €
Black Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.WC1220Black Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.Misc
11,95 €
Raw Umber Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.WC1221Raw Umber Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.Misc
11,95 €
Burnt Umber Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.WC1222Burnt Umber Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.Misc
11,95 €
Yellow Ocher Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.WC1223Yellow Ocher Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 4 fl. oz.Misc
11,95 €
Green Undercoat Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 8 fl. oz.WC1228Green Undercoat Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 8 fl. oz.Misc
15,95 €
Earth Undercoat Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 8 fl. oz.WC1229Earth Undercoat Earth Colours� Liquid Pigment 8 fl. oz.Misc
15,95 €
"Outcroppings Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1230"Outcroppings Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Surface Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1231"Surface Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Boulders Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1232"Boulders Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Embankments Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1233"Embankments Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Random Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1234"Random Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Laced Face Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1235"Laced Face Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Classic Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1236"Classic Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Wind Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1237"Wind Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Weathered Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1238"Weathered Rocks Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Strata Stone Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1239"Strata Stone Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Rock Mass Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1240"Rock Mass Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Layered Rocks Mould (5""x7"")"WC1241"Layered Rocks Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Washed Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"WC1242"Washed Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"Misc
16,95 €
"Base Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"WC1243"Base Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"Misc
16,95 €
"Facet Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"WC1244"Facet Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"Misc
16,95 €
"Creek Bank Rock Mould (2 No. 5""x7"")"WC1245"Creek Bank Rock Mould (2 No. 5""x7"")"Misc
16,95 €
"Creek Bed Rock Mould (5""x7"")"WC1246"Creek Bed Rock Mould (5""x7"")"Misc
14,95 €
"Shelf Rocks Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"WC1247"Shelf Rocks Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"Misc
16,95 €
"Rock Face Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"WC1248"Rock Face Rock Mould (10�""x5"")"Misc
16,95 €
Tunnel Liner FormWC1250Tunnel Liner FormMisc
8,95 €
HO Concrete Single Tunnel PortalWC1252HO Concrete Single Tunnel Portal1:87
16,95 €
HO Cut Stone Single Tunnel PortalWC1253HO Cut Stone Single Tunnel Portal1:87
16,95 €
HO Timber Single Tunnel PortalWC1254HO Timber Single Tunnel Portal1:87
16,95 €
HO Random Stone Single Tunnel PortalWC1255HO Random Stone Single Tunnel Portal1:87
16,95 €
HO Concrete Double Tunnel PortalWC1256HO Concrete Double Tunnel Portal1:87
19,95 €
HO Cut Stone Double Tunnel PortalWC1257HO Cut Stone Double Tunnel Portal1:87
19,95 €
HO Concrete Retaining Wall (x3)WC1258HO Concrete Retaining Wall (x3)1:87
19,95 €
HO Cut Stone Retaining Wall (x3)WC1259HO Cut Stone Retaining Wall (x3)1:87
19,95 €
HO Timber Retaining Wall (x3)WC1260HO Timber Retaining Wall (x3)1:87
19,95 €
HO Random Stone Retaining Wall (x3)WC1261HO Random Stone Retaining Wall (x3)1:87
19,95 €
HO Concrete Culvert (x2)WC1262HO Concrete Culvert (x2)1:87
14,95 €
HO Masonry Arch Culvert (x2)WC1263HO Masonry Arch Culvert (x2)1:87
14,95 €
HO Random Stone Culvert (x2)WC1264HO Random Stone Culvert (x2)1:87
14,95 €
HO Timber Culvert (x2)WC1265HO Timber Culvert (x2)1:87
14,95 €
O Concrete Single Tunnel PortalWC1266O Concrete Single Tunnel Portal1:48
26,95 €
O Cut Stone Single Tunnel PortalWC1267O Cut Stone Single Tunnel Portal1:48
26,95 €

Ergebnisse 51 - 100 von 130